We to invite everyone teaching LCA in higher education to participate in brand new global survey on the subject. The survey is facilitated by our Working Group on LCA in Higher Education.
Archive for category: Call for Participation
With Carbon Transparency towards Net Zero – Sustainability Insights 01
, Call for Participation, Events, FSLCI News, Global, 0Join us for our first Sustainability Insights event under the theme "With Carbon Transparency towards Net Zero" to engage on we get to carbon neutrality and net zero.
Today we are excited to let you know that our Life Cycle Summer School will be organized again in 2021. This year’s edition will focus on the theme “Life cycle approaches to sustainable buildi...
New Program for virtual Life Cycle Summer School 2020
, Call for Participation, FSLCI News, Global, 1LCSS 2020 will take place virtually from 21.9. - 08.10. under the theme “Bio-economy and the food chain – A LCM toolbox for sustainable regional food and biomass development”.
The MarILCA project team is hosting a free webinar for interested stakeholders to present its initial methodological framework. The webinar will take place on the 10th of June at 2:30pm (CEST). T...
Participate now in this year’s Life Cycle Community Survey!
, Call for Participation, FSLCI News, Global, 0Today we are happy to launch this year’s Life Cycle Community Survey! Objective of the survey is to develop an understanding of the global life cycle community’s priorities and focus areas. I...
Call for public testing: Canadian Agri-food Life Cycle Data Centre
, Call for Participation, News, North America, 1The Canadian Agri-food Lifecycle Data Centre (CALDC) invites you to participate in the public testing phase of its SimpLCIty software, which is now available online at https://caldc.ca. The Canadian ...
Today we are really happy to launch the beta for our Global Life Cycle Community Platform. The platform provides anyone interested in all things life cycle with the option to create a personal profile...
Join us at CILCA for Marine Litter & LCA Workshop
, Call for Participation, Events, FSLCI News, Latin America, 0We are happy to invite you to a workshop on “Marine Litter and LCA: Global and Latin American Initiatives”, which will take place on the 16thJuly in Cartago, Costa Rica ahead of this year’s ...
The European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment and the Directorate General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG ENV and DG GROW) recently launched ...