On the 24th June we will organize the first ever Circular Economy Barcamp Berlin supported by The Place Berlin. The Barcamp will provide a unique opportunity to come together and discuss all things ci...
Archive for category: Call for Participation
The PRISMA Center for Sustainability Assessment and Policy is calling for applications for its PRISMA Award on groundbreaking research on sustainability assessment and policy with regards to circular ...
FSLCI and IUCN organize joint workshop on Marine Litter @ WRF 2019
, Call for Participation, Europe, FSLCI News, 0During the forthcoming World Resources Forum, which will take place from 24 – 27 February in Antwerp, the FSLCI will jointly organize a workshop together with IUCN on Marine Litter. The workshop...
European Commission is consulting stakeholders on potential policy uses for the Environmental Footprint method
, Call for Feedback, Call for Participation, Europe, 0The European Commission is currently exploring how to use the Product and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods in policies. In this context they have launched a series of consultations on this...
The Consumer Goods Forum is launching the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative:SSCI in order to promote good social and environmental practices in global supply chains by benchmarking and recognis...
Call for proposals: Development of National LCA Database Roadmaps and further development of the Technical Helpdesk for National LCA Databases
, Call for Participation, Global, 0In order to develop 3 national database roadmaps in different countries and to further develop the Technical Helpdesk for National LCA Databases, the Life Cycle Initiative is calling for proposals f...
Sustainable Production and Consumption Survey
, Africa, Asia, Call for Participation, Europe, Global, Latin America, North America, Oceania, 0Portuguese Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (https://gulbenkian.pt/en/) calls for participation for the survey they prepared in order to identify the action priorities and priority sectors on Sustainab...
Call for nominations for the 2018 Academy Awards of the ILCA
, Call for Participation, Global, News, 0International Life Cycle Academy Awards started to accept this year’s nominations! Awards are given to the successful contributors to the conference presentations or scientific publications in q...
Survey on understanding the methods for modelling multiple life cycles
, Call for Participation, Global, News, 0Deloitte Sustainability and Gingko 21 are conducting a survey for SCORELCA (http://www.scorelca.org/en/index.php) as a part of a study that tries to identify all publications dealing with methodolo...
The Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN), GIZ Thailand and UN Environment are starting a project to support the Type 1 eco-labels by creating a knowledge sharing platform. The first step of the projec...