Jodie Bricout

Jodie is the manager for circular economy and life cycle approaches at the Australian consultancy Lifecycles. Previously she worked in a similar capacity for the French non-for-profit cd2e. An environmental engineer with a flair for communication, Jodie started working in the LCA field in 2010 following 10 years of experience in water and waste management, industrial ecology and sustainability strategy. She launched the [avniR] conference series on life cycle management for SMEs and regions which attracts 300 participants from over 20 countries annually, building on the experience in integrating life cycle approaches across sectors in Northern France. Jodie managed the development of the phase 3 strategy for the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative, and their communication strategy and is a member of their Board. She represents Northern France in the Ellen MacArthur Foundations CE100 programme for Cities and Governments.

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