Niels Jungbluth
Niels Jungbluth started working for ESU-services in 2000. In 2006 he founded ESU-services GmbH together with Rolf Frischknecht. He became the managing director after the withdrawal of Rolf in 2012.His main working areas are food , biomass , energy systems , input-output-analysis and sustainable consumption . He is responsible for the SimaPro centre and the data-on-demand service of ESU.He is in the editorial board of the “Int. Journal of LCA” and works as a reviewer for several other scientific journals. He works as a special expert for several organisations e.g. Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt , United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC , CEN TC 383 standard (GHG accounting on biofuels), UNEP-SETAC life cycle initiative, Swiss law on tax exemption for biofuels.Niels Jungbluth studied environmental engineering at the Technical University of Berlin. He made his diploma thesis during a six month stay at the TATA Energy Research Institute in New Delhi, where he prepared a life cycle inventory for cooking fuels in India . Between 1996 and 2000 he worked on a Ph.D. project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich at the chair of Natural and Social Science Interface. His Ph. D. thesis on the environmental consequences of food consumption has been awarded with the Greenhirn Price 2000 by the German Öko-Institut. In this thesis he investigated food consumption patterns by means of life cycle assessment.
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