English and German
We are happy to announce that we have an open and partly remote position to work on the life cycle-based economic and environmental assessment of solar technologies and integrated system concepts (including high-temperature heat pumps, heat storage) at the DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems in Oldenburg and in the group of “Energy Scenarios and Technology Assessment”. This position also offers the possibility of working on your PhD in connection with your projects.
More information: https://dlr.concludis.de/prj/shw/82adb2cc5e43ed1d2214e9eb6886e0fe_0/93822/Ingenieur_in_im_Bereich_erneuerbare_Energien_Umwelt_Nachhaltigkeit_oder_Wirtschaftswissenschaftler_in_Technikwissenschaftler_in_o_ae_w_m_d.htm?b=0