
With our Life Cycle Innovation Conferences we do not only seek to set a focus on innovation as a topic, but also follow our conference theme collaborate, innovate, co-create with regards to how we organize the program. To this end interactivity is key! Hence we combine three different approaches to facilitate as much interaction and discussion as possible. With a mix of workshops, more traditional abstract-based sessions and barcamp-style group discussions we create an atmosphere that fosters dialogue and exchange!


Workshops are meant to be organized around a concrete theme and thus have a more focussed approach. Workshops are also expected to stir more debate and interaction with participants and thus we encourage anyone submitting a workshop proposal to think about a suitable format for these interactions.


Sessions will be organized around specific themes and are meant to allow for participants to share their insights. Depending on the number of accepted abstracts for presentation, presentations will be limited to 10-15 minutes. Each session will leave enough time to discuss the presented findings.


Barcamps are a format that provide flexible space for discussion of spontaneously proposed topics. During our LCIC conferences every conference participant has 30 sec to present a topic that he or she would like to discuss during the initial plenary session. Afterwards, the audience will signal interest in the topic. If sufficient interest is available, a time-slot and room will be allocated for the open group discussion. As such, we build a portion of the program directly at each conference.


As a follow-up to the conference, we will publish all abstracts on our conference website and develop a conference report. The conference report will be based on short summaries of each session chair, as the report is meant to give readers an overview of what were the key elements and issues discussed during the conference. The conference report will not make reference to specific presentations or submissions.

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