Non Profit Area

In 2017, the main revenue in the non-profit area of activities derived from membership fees, which amounted to: 13,974.25€. Additional revenue of 513,52€ was provided through donations, generating an overall revenue of 14.487,77€ . The total sum of expenses amounted to 13.880,28 € thus leaving a positive balance of  607,49€.

Expenses in 2017 in €

Income in 2017 in €

Purpose Driven Area

In the purpose driven area – which represents a separate area of economic activities of the association which are however still undertaken to serve the overall purpose of the FSLCI –  the main revenue derived from workshop / summer school participation fees and amounted to: 11.396,00€ incl. VAT. The total sum of expenses amounted to 12.382,06€, thus leaving a negative balance of -986,06 €.

Expenses in 2017 in €

Income in 2017 in €

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