LCA in Higher Education

Project Area Background

In order to mainstream LCA further, it is key to ensure that LCA is taught to as many students as possible around the world. Around the world, an increasing number of university courses are offered these days on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). While this is a positive development which needs to be further strengthened, these courses often differ substantially in terms of comprehensiveness, length, learning objectives and style. As a result, there is a huge variation between students’ LCA literacy and experience, resulting sometimes in a miss-match between employers’ expectations and students’ qualifications. It is thus not only important to enhance the overall availability of LCA courses at universities around the world, but also to develop clarity on competencies that are taught by these courses.

Ongoing Activities

Academic Partnership Program

The FSLCI launched its Academic Partnership Program with a workshop back-to-back LCM 2017. The Program is focussing specifically on life cycle education in the context of higher education at universities and brings together academic groups from around the world which are interested in sharing their respective knowledge and collaborate on the subject. The Academic Partnership Program is open to any institution that joins FSLCI as an Academic Partner.

Currently the following institutions are part of our Academic Partnership Program:

As an Academic Partner you get access to our Working Group on LCA in Higher Education and three full FSLCI member accounts, out of which two full accounts can be substituted by four students accounts upon request. The annual fee for access to the Academic Partnership Program is 360€. If you are interested in joining our Academic Partnership Program, please get in touch with us!

Life Cycle Summer School

Life Cycle Summer School

International Summer School on
“Life cycle toolbox for regional circular economies”


Read our workshop from the first stakeholder meeting of our Academic Partnership Program.

Read report!

LCA in Higher Education Articles

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