Prof. Dr. Guido Sonnemann
Guido is a full professor for sustainable chemistry and material management at the University of Bordeaux. Before joining the University of Bordeaux in 2012, he worked as a UNEP Programme Officer for Innovation and Life Cycle Management. In this function he also servedas the Science Focal Point for the UNEP’s Resource Efficiency/ Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) subprogramme. He holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University Rovira & Virgili, Spain (2002), M.Sc. in water biology and chemistry from the University of Poitiers, France (1996), and graduated as engineer from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany (1995) with a specialisation in environmental engineering.
Martina Prox
Martina is a founding member of FSLCI and is dedicated for over 25 years to enabling sustainable production. Martina is passionate for sustainable innovation with a collaborative mindset. In her role Director Expert Services at iPoint-systems gmbh, she and her teams accompany businesses on their journey towards fully digitized product life cycles achieving truly sustainable products. As a German delegate she contributes to the development of international standards of the ISO 14 000 series including, ISO 14051, ISO/TS 14067, ISO/TS 14071, ISO/TS 14072 etc. Since 2019 she’s chairing the German Mirror Committee of ISO TC 323 Circular Economy.
Sanjeevan Bajaj
Currently Sanjeevan serves as an independent Director at SAEL, a leading agro-energy company based in North India. Previously, Sanjeevan worked as the CEO of FICCI Quality Forum, New Delhi. She is playing a leading role in promoting Life Cycle thinking in India and developing locally relevant models for managing environmental and socio-economic impacts of business decisions. She worked as a banker for 15 years before moving to management consultancy and won several appreciations for consultancy excellence. Sanjeevan holds a PhD in Strategic Management with a Masters in Economics and a degree in Law.
Philip Strothmann
Managing Director
Before co-founding the FSLCI, Philip worked as an independent consultant with vast experience in international sustainability projects focussing on natural resource management and life cycle thinking. He’s been working with the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and UNEP’s International Resource Panel where he acted as the secretariat’s focal point on metals. He’s also been involved in the International Network of Product Sustainability Initiatives and has given trainings on LCA Database Management and Carbon Footprinting. He’s also chairman of Policy Innovation e.V., a Berlin-based youth NGO. Philip holds a Master in Public and Private Environmental Management from FU Berlin and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Bremen.