Please note: The Interim Board of Directors was acting as a provisional Board of Directors until the General Assembly on the 2nd of September 2015 in Bordeaux elected a new Board of Directors into place.


Dr. Sanjeevan Bajaj, India | President

Sanjeevan BAJAJ is CEO of FICCI Quality Forum, New Delhi. She is playing a leading role in promoting Life Cycle thinking in India and developing locally relevant models for managing environmental and socio-economic impacts of business decisions. She worked as a banker for 15 years before moving to management consultancy and won several appreciations for consultancy excellence. Sanjeevan holds a PhD in Strategic Management with a Masters in Economics and a degree in Law.


Martina Prox, Germany | Vice-President

Martina is dedicated to enabling sustainable production. For over 20 years Martina’s passion is sharing knowledge and experiences. At ifu Hamburg – member of the iPoint Group, she’s been accompanying businesses on the journey to Sustainble production. As a German delegate she contributes to the development of international standards of the ISO 14 000 series including, ISO 14051, ISO/TS 14067, ISO/TS 14071, ISO/TS 14072 etc.


Ana Quiros, Costa Rica

Ana founded ECO GLOBAL in 1997, a Costa Rica consulting firm advising on sustainable development and since then is in charge of all aspects of the firm. She contributes and is founder of ALCALA, the Association for LCA in Latin America through which she organized and held the first CILCA – International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment for the Region – in 2005. Since 2002 she has joined forces with the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative at board level and is currently coordinating the Communication Strategy implementation. She has established and is currently the President of the Green Building Council in Costa Rica. Ana is a Civil Engineer, with two masters degrees from Stanford University on Engineering and Science. 


Andrea Brown, Switzerland

Andrea joined the WBCSD in 2008 to lead the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s development of the Scope 3 (Value Chain) standard and the Product Standard, in partnership with the WRI. Following her appointment as Director for the WBCSD’s Chemicals sector project in 2011, she became the Director for Safe and Sustainable Materials in 2014. This Cluster brings together the sector projects from Cement, Tires, Forestry, and Chemicals. Prior to joining the WBCSD, Andrea worked on policy issues for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, and the Alberta Department of Energy.


Dr. Andreas Kicherer, Germany

Andreas currently works as Director Sustainability Strategy for BASF SE. He’s an environmental engineer with more than 20 years of professional experience in the context of sustainability. At BASF he developed the eco-efficiency and socio eco-efficiency analysis (SEEbalance), started the innovative mass balance approach to produce any chemical with renewable raw materials and co-developed and implemented the Sustainable Solution Steering to analyze and steer complex portfolios based on the sustainability market needs.


Bruce W. Vigon, USA

Bruce is the Scientific Affairs Manager of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). He has been involved in the development and practice of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Management (LCM) for over 25 years. He has published more than 30 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and reports on LCA, including several of the seminal ones from the 1990’s on the conceptual framework and components of LCA. Since 2010, he has served as the co-chair of the UNEP/SETAC joint venture Life Cycle Initiative. In addition to his responsibilities for the Life Cycle Initiative, he also provides overall global science strategy and program development for SETAC.

Prof. Matthias Finkbeiner

Prof. Matthias Finkbeiner, Germany

Matthias is Chair of Sustainable Engineering and Vice-Director of the Department of Environmental Technology at Technical University Berlin. He is Chair the ISO-Committee TC207/SC5 for Life Cycle Assessment, member of the International Life Cycle Board (ILCB) of the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and appointed for the governing body of the Blue Angel ecolabel. Earlier in his career, he was Manager at the Design-for-Environment Department for Mercedes-Benz Cars at Daimler AG. He has a multidisciplinary background of environmental science, environmental law and an MBA in sustainability management.


Ass.-Prof. Manuele Margni, Canada

Manuele is a professor at Polytechnique Montréal. He is co-chair holder of the International Life Cycle Chair (a research unit of CIRAIG) supported by 13 industrial partners and also teaches Life Cycle Assessment and sustainable manufacturing classes. His research activities aim to develop life cycle based tools to support sustainable production and consumption.

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