Elected Members

Christian Bauer*


Christian Bauer has served as sustainability expert in SIG’s Group Corporate Responsibility since 2011. He is responsible for product Life Cycle Assessments and sustainability metrics which are used to enhance SIG’s responsibility performance such as SIGs Science Based Target for greenhouse gas reductions. Along with SIG’s corporate responsibility strategy ‘Way Beyond Good’, Christian is managing internal expert teams and fosters SIGs liaisons to sustainability initiatives such as the Net Positive Project. Previously he worked as Director Sustainability for the European Aluminum Foil Association and Flexible Packaging Europe. Christian holds a Ph.D. in Applied Geosciences and a Diploma in Geology both from the Aachen University of Technology Germany.

Elected 2021

Guy Castelan


Graduated in Chemical Engineering, Guy has spent most of his career in the chemical company now named Arkema, in manufacturing, process control, and polymer development. In 2000 he joined the corporate Sustainable Development team to be in charge of Product Safety activities and later of LCA activities. In 2007 he was seconded to PlasticsEurope and rapidly took over the Life Cycle Thinking and Sustainability activities of PlasticsEurope, including the program management of LCI datasets of polymers. Since then, he has been involved in ISOTC207 standardization works, the European Environmental Footprint and has been in the Steering board of the UNEP Life Cycle Initiative for the last 3 years.

Re-Elected 2022

Hassana Elzein


Hassana is a project manager at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD) based in Montréal, Canada. Before joining CIRODD, she completed her Ph.D. at the International Reference Centre for the Life Cycle of Products, Processes, and Services (CIRAIG) – Polytechnique Montreal. Her research focused on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and analysis of time-dependent systems such as smart power grids. After obtaining a masters degree in petroleum engineering, Hassana delved into the environmental field. She has been active in the LCA community since 2014 and has presented and participated in the organization of various conferences and workshops.

Re-Elected 2021

Mathilde Vlieg

Mathilde Vlieg is a MSc Industrial Ecology graduate from the TU Delft and University of Leiden in the Netherlands. In Brisbane she has worked as a product assessor at Global GreenTag and since 2015 she has been an Evah Associate. To conferences she has spoken about LCAs of timber, bioplastic vs recycled plastic and on the future of LCA including Benefit Assessment. For several years she was the OpenLCA Australasian contact. Living in Spain since 2020 she continues her Evah Institute work as well as European LCA and Life Cycle Thinking initiatives.

Elected 2021

Melissa Díaz Segura**

Costa Rica

Melissa is a LCA and EPD project manager at Climate Earth. She has 7 years of experience promoting the implementation of LCA and circular economy approaches worldwide but with a special focus on the Latin American region. She graduated as an environmental engineer from the Technological Institute of Costa Rica and completed her master’s degree in Environmental Strategies at the University of Surrey at the UK. She previously worked with the Secretariat of the Life Cycle Initiative of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Costa Rican chapter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and the Center of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Design (CADIS). Her experience includes advising the public and private sectors in the determination of their environmental footprints, eco-labeling and circular economy. Additionally, she participates as a delegate at LCA and circular economy ISO working groups. She is a recurrent invited lecturer at her university, and an active trainer of trainers on LCA and circular economy related topics.

Re-Elected 2022

Prince Kumar


Prince Kumar has been working for the Textile industry for more than 22 years. He is currently working as Senior General Manager Processing for M/S B K S Textiles Pvt Ltd based in Perundurai, India. Prince has a technical background in Textile Chemistry Engineering and has been consulting, teaching and guiding various companies in the textile industry in India on a path to reduce the impact of pollution on the environment and human life. Throughout his professional career he has worked for companies such as Nahar, Vardhman, CHT R Beitlich GmbH, Rossari Biotech, Hanung Toys or Sutlej Group in various capacities ranging from TGT to Unit Head. In his role as an industry consultant, he has also worked as lead auditor for ETP projects. Prince has a Master in Labour Welfare, Sociology and Law from MVN University, India and is pursuing Doctorate Research work in Critical Review of Environmental Law in the context of Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment.

Elected 2021

Ravi Teja Pabbisetty


Ravi is a chemical engineer with over 10 years of experience in the field of sustainability spanning across production, consulting, R&D and corporate. During his consulting years, he worked on multiple funded projects from World Bank, IFC and EcoInvent on the topics of life cycle inventory data, funding energy efficiency technology and sustainability ratings. Later, he worked with SABIC conducting product life cycle assessments for marketing, developing tools for screening R&D portfolio, technology evaluation on sustainability metrics for mega projects, internal carbon pricing approaches and chemical recycling approach for circular economy. At PETRONAS, he was responsible for incorporating life cycle thinking into strategies such as Net Zero Carbon Emissions, SDG and ESG. Also, he conducts product life cycle assessments to address customer requests, promote low carbon & carbon neutral products and evaluate sustainability performance of R&D portfolio. Currently, he is driving life cycle assessments and circular economy at Bridgestone Asia Pacific.

Elected 2021

René Itten


René Itten is Senior Life Cycle Analyst and Research Associate in the Life Cycle Assessment Research Group at Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He holds a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and has more than 12 years of experience in Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Thinking. He worked as consultant as well as project manager for ESU-services Ltd. and treeze Ltd. Since 2015 he is researcher and lecturer at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, he teaches Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assessment in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme. He was involved in various LCA related research projects focusing on LCIA method development, LCI database development, environmentally-extended input—output tables and environmental rebound effects. He is reviewer for the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment as well as the Journal Energy Efficiency and organiser of the LCA Discussion Forum.

Elected 2022

Takunda Chitaka

South Africa

Takunda is postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Her research experience has applied life cycle management concepts including LCA, primarily to the plastics sector. Takunda has a background in chemical engineering wherein she obtained her PhD from the University of Cape Town. Her PhD focused on the life cycle management of plastic products from the perspective of plastic marine pollution wherein she proposed a proxy indicator. Her current research is focused on the just transition to a circular economy.

Elected 2022

Yuki Hamilton Onda Kabe


Yuki is a Chemical Engineer by training and a sustainability professional by choice who works as the in-house LCM expert at Braskem, the largest petrochemical company in Latin America with headquarters in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Yuki studied chemical engineering at the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil with a specialization in environmental impact of fertilizer and life cycle assessment.

Elected 2021

*President | ** Vice-President

Invited Organisations

ISO-logoThe International Standards Organisation (ISO) has been invited to provide an additional perspective to the Board of Directors. Philippe Osset has been nominated by ISO TC 207 / SC 5 to represent ISO at the Board of Directors. ISO TC 207 / SC 5 is ISO’s Committee on Environmental Management and is responsible for setting all ISO life cycle standards such as the ISO 14040 series.

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