Elected Members


Anne-Marie Boulay**


Anne-Marie Boulay is chemical engineering graduate from McGill University, who later completed a Ph.D. at CIRAIG (Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal) on the assessment of water use impacts in LCA, in collaboration with Quantis Lausanne and ETH Zurich. She received the SETAC Europe LCA young scientist award in 2014 and is the author of over 10 publications on the topic of water footprint and LCA. She is the Canadian chair for ISO TC207/SC5 (LCA-based standards) and actively participated to the drafting of Water Footprint standard (14046) and technical requirements (14073). She is the chair of the WULCA working group on water use in LCA, from the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative. This working group is currently developing a consensus-based method for water use impact assessment.

Atsushi Inaba


Atsushi Inaba graduated and got a doctor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Tokyo, and then joined AIST in 1981. He has been in charge of the evaluation study of CO2 mitigation technologies since 1986 and Life Cycle Assessment since 1993. He has research experience at National Bureau of Standards, MD. USA (1984-1986) and at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Vienna, Austria.(1990-1992).

He was one of the co-chairs of the publication of 14040/44(2006) and has been working with the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative since 2002. He was a lead author of WGIII, Chapter 12 (Human Settlement) of IPCC AR5. Currently he works as Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Kogakuin University and is the chairman of the Japanese National Committee of ISO/TC207/SC5(LCA), and the expert of ISO-14008, ISO-14026 etc.

Avantika Shastri


Avantika is a chemical engineer with a PhD in metabolic engineering from Purdue University. She has over 8 years of experience in applying life cycle thinking and LCA for petrochemicals, polymers and engineering thermoplastics businesses at SABIC. She has helped to develop and implement processes and tools to measure and steer sustainability in R&D portfolio management, and conducted LCAs to enable marketing, CDP reporting, and various other business decision support projects. A certified LCA practitioner (ACLCA 2016), she enjoys teaching and coaching junior team members into the arts and insights of LCA practice.

Bill Flanagan


Bill Flanagan leads the Ecoassessment Center of Excellence for General Electric Company. The Center was founded to assess the environmental impacts of products throughout their entire lifespan, from raw materials extraction through reuse, recycling, or disposal at the end of product life. Bill is also Chair, Board of Directors, of the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) and serves on the External Advisory Board for the University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems. He is a LCA Certified Professional (LCACP). Bill graduated from Virginia Tech in 1985 and received a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 1991.

Dean Tashobya


Dean is a Chemist and an Environmental scientist who believes in sustainable Consumption and Production. He has worked in areas of Product development and Standards development for the last 10 years. Dean currently works at Uganda National Bureau of Standards as a Senior Analyst and is the coordinator of Uganda LCA network. He is a national delegate contributing to international standards, ISO 14000 series; ISO 14007, ISO 14008, and ISO 14044. Dean is a qualified LCA trainer and practitioner, applying LCA to e-waste management and agricultural related systems. Dean is a cofounder of Center for Sustainability, Innovation and Research in Uganda and one of the recipients of Life Cycle Initiative 2017 LCA Award.


Martina Prox*


Martina is dedicated to enabling sustainable production. She’s a partner at ifu – The Hamburg Institute for Environmental IT one of the leading providers of Life Cycle Assessment and process modeling software. Martina’s passion is sharing knowledge and experiences. So she’s also active as a trainer for ifu’s software tools and related topics such as LCA, Carbon Footprinting or Material Flow Cost Accounting. As a German delegate she contributes to the development of international standards of the ISO 14 000 series including, ISO 14051, ISO/TS 14067, ISO/TS 14071, ISO/TS 14072 etc.

Marzia Traverso


Marzia is a full professor and head of the Institute and Chair of Sustainability in Civil Engineering at RWTH Aachen University since 1 June 2017. She holds a PhD of Environmental Technical Physics of University of Palermo, and is an environmental engineer, working in the field of Life Cycle Assessment and sustainability performance of building, textile and transport sector. From May 2016 – April 2017 she worked as Scientific Officer at European Commission, JRC Seville in the Product Bureau. From Nov. 2011 to March 2016, she was project manager at BMW Group, in the Sustainability Product department. From August 2008 to October 2011, Mazia did her post doc and worked as a scientific assistant and lecturer at the Chair of Sustainability Engineering of TU Berlin. Currently Marzia is a subject editor on Social life cycle Assessment in the International Journal of LCA. She is also a Member of the Steering Committee of Social LC Alliance and Italian Network of LCA and founded the non-profit organization iSuD.

Masaharu Motoshita


Masaharu is a senior researcher for sustainability assessment at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), which focuses on the creation and practical realization of technologies useful to industry and society. He is mainly in charge of developing methods for LCA, especially water footprint and life cycle impact assessment. He is also supporting various industries to implement LCA and LCM and seek the ways of business for sustainable society through life cycle thinking

Pia Wiche


Pia is a consultant, professor and researcher in the areas of sustainable management and production. Pia has worked with UNEP and several research institutions for the development and deployment of life cycle thinking in different sectors. With an M.Sc. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from KAUST (Saudi Arabia) and a certificate in entrepreneurship from Cornell, Pia enjoys promoting new businesses and proposing new, sustainable business models that will create more value for the advance of society.

Yuki Hamilton Onda Kabe


Yuki is a Chemical Engineer by training and a sustainability professional by choice who works as the in-house LCM expert at Braskem, largest petrochemical company in Latin America with headquarters in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Yuki studied chemical engineering at the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil with a specialization in environmental impact of fertilizer and life cycle assessment.

*President | **Vice-President

Invited Organisations

ISO-logoThe International Standards Organisation (ISO) has been invited to provide an additional perspective to the Board of Directors. Philippe Osset has been nominated by ISO TC 207 / SC 5 to represent ISO at the Board of Directors. ISO TC 207 / SC 5 is ISO’s Committee on Environmental Management and is responsible for setting all ISO life cycle standards such as the ISO 14040 series.

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