Have you guys heard about the European Assistance for Innovation Procurement Initiative? As the name suggests, it focuses on innovation in procurement. Something like this but with a sustainability focus would be good to have! https://eafip.eu
Dear all, we’re organizing a call for the launch of this new Working Group 🙂 Please respond to the doodle so we can find a date for the first call: https://doodle.com/poll/pupt4ntv2xcvhrqk Thanks in advance 🙂
Philip Strothmann replied to the topic Background Statement & Working Group Name in the forum
FSLCI Regional LCT Working Group
Dear Fritz,
thanks for your proposal to open a working group on the subject. I agree that this is an important topic and would love to see FSLCI members become engaged on the subject!
With regards to the name I feel the working group is meant to promote life cycle thinking or a life cycle perspective among regional decision-makers, hence I feel…Read More
Fritz Balkau started the topic Possible Activities and Workplan in the forum
FSLCI Regional LCT Working Group
Dear all,
To address the issues outlined in the Background Statement, a variety of activities could be undertaken with the objective to enhance the application of life cycle thinking on a regional basis and among regional policy and decision-makers. A possible workplan could look like this:
Phase 1:
Develop a common understanding of tools,…Read More
Fritz Balkau started the topic Background Statement & Working Group Name in the forum
FSLCI Regional LCT Working Group
Dear all,
please find below the background statement for as to why we would like to establish this working group:
Life cycle methodologies have come a long way in recent years. Some procedures are now standardised under ISO, many have a lengthy history of use. Further methodological development is under way. The use of various assessment tools…Read More