30jun2:30 pm6:30 pmWith Carbon Transparency towards Net Zero - Sustainability Insights 01


June 30, 2021 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm CEST(GMT+01:00)

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Speakers for this event

  • Amir Safaei

    Manager for Natural Climate Solutions supply @ WBCSD

  • Dr. Ashok Menon

    Global Leader, Sustainability Analytics & Operations @ SABIC

  • Dr. Axel Michaelowa

    Head of Research of International Climate Policy @ University of Zurich

  • Prof. Guido Sonnemann

    Professor of Chemistry @ Université de Bordeaux

  • Robert O Mahony

    Head of Sustainability - Global Operations, Logitech

  • Sabine Gores

    Senior Researcher Energy & Climate @ Oeko Institute


    • June 30, 2021
    • 14:30Welcome and Setting the Scene14:30 - 14:45
      Prof. Guido Sonnemann will welcome participants to the event and provide a bit of context to start the event.
      Guido Sonnemann
    • 14:45Insights by Experts14:45 - 16:00
      During this part of the event our speakers will provide a number of insights on the following topics:

      Ashok Menon – SABIC | Road to carbon neutrality through the lens of a chemical industry

      Robert O’Mahony – Logitech | Carbon transparency - a catalyst for designing differently

      Amir Safaei – WBCSD | Value Chain Carbon Transparency Partnership; accelerating decarbonization by increasing Scope 3 emissions transparency across value chains

      Axel Michaelowa – University of Zurich | Transition of the CDM into Article 6 – a crunch issue in the climate negotiations

      Sabine Gores – Öko Institut | GHG target setting and accounting for the EU
      Amir SafaeiDr. Ashok MenonDr. Axel MichaelowaRobert O MahonySabine Gores
    • 16:00Virtual Coffee Break | Get to know the FSLCI - Q&A16:00 - 16:15
      Virtual coffee and bio break | Get to know the FSLCI - Q&A
    • 16:15Short Panel Discussion: How do we get to carbon neutrality?16:15 - 17:00
      A short panel discussion with our speakers around the overall question, how to get to carbon neutrality.
      Amir SafaeiDr. Ashok MenonDr. Axel MichaelowaRobert O'MahonySabine Gores
    • 17:00Break out Group Sessions17:00 - 18:00
      Depending on the interest, we will form up to three break out groups to discuss carbon neutrality from a product, corporate or regional perspective.
    • 18:00Group Discussion Summaries & Wrap up18:00 - 18:30
      Groups are asked to present the results of the discussion and key conclusions are developed

Event Details

Climate change is the number one sustainability topic that needs to be addressed now to ensure that future generations do not suffer the consequences from today’s inaction. Global agreements like the Paris Agreement and youth movements like Friday’s for Future exert pressure on politicians and businesses alike to put meaningful actions in place. As a result, countries and companies are challenged to determine their respective emissions and reduce them as fast and as much as possible.

During our 1st Sustainability Insights event under the theme “With Carbon Transparency towards Net Zero” we are going to discuss how climate emissions are assessed, what companies and businesses are doing to “get to net zero” and how the future of the Carbon Development Mechanism (CDM) will look like post-Kyoto.

After an initial round of insights by a number of experts on the subject, we will be breaking into group discussions and expect you to become an active contributor to our event by sharing your insights or asking questions!

Check out our agenda now and get your ticket to join us at the end of June!

About Sustainability Insights

With our virtual Sustainability Insights event series we put a spotlight on sustainability topics that are of relevance to the life cycle community. Each event combines a set of interesting speakers who share their knowledge and insights together with space for interactive discussions. As such, the event series aims to making participants active contributors to the event rather than consumers of information.

Consider a Donation

We have decided to make our event free-of-charge with a donation option. After all, our focus is on spreading information around the world and making it as accessible as possible. Having said that, as a small non-profit organization we rely on contributions from our members and donations from supporters to continue spreading life cycle thinking around the world. Hence we would highly appreciate, if you were to consider donating as much as you feel reasonable to participate in our event!


Please note that in order to register for the event, you need to have a free account on our platform. If you don’t have an account yet, you can sign up for it here. Please make sure to activate your account by clicking on the button in the activation mail (check your spam folder)! Once you are logged into your account, you can register for the event below for free or with a donation.

The access link to the virtual event will automatically show up here on the event page a few hours ahead of the event for registered participants, but is also sent by mail along with the ticket.

Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!


Free of Charge – A Donation is appreciated!

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