19novAll DayCreating Sustainable Added-value in Organizations (Ahmedabad)


November 19, 2015 All Day(GMT+00:00)

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Event Details

Governments need to take action on critical environmental issues. But what tools are available to get a more profound understanding of the challenges ahead? At the same time, success stories show that sustainability is a business game-changer. Learn how companies are now embedding life cycle thinking in order to measure, understand, manage and communicate their sustainability performance.

The session is targeted towards sustainability managers and decision makers from the private sector as well as from the government, who want to learn, share and discuss about how to create value from sustainability assessments beyond reporting.


  • What is life cycle thinking?
  • How to measure the environmental footprint along the full value chain?
  • What are the current LCA activities in India and what are the planned ecoinvent activities?
  • Lessons learned from leaders: how companies in India integrate life cycle thinking into their sustainability strategy?
  • How to communicate your environmental performance?
  • Why regional data are important to capture supply chain impacts?


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