(Wednesday) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm CEST(GMT+00:00) View in my time
Speakers for this event
George Thompson
George Thompson
President and CEO of Chemical Compliance Systems
Dr. George Thompson is the President and CEO of Chemical Compliance Systems. Dr. Thompson is a toxicologist with 48 years of experience in chemical, product and process hazard and risk assessments. Dr. Thompson has published 21 hazardous chemical books, organized four national or worldwide conferences, and given hundreds of technical presentations. He is a graduate of Oregon State University.
Tags: chemicals integration lca life cycle risk assessment spray foam polyurethanePresident and CEO of Chemical Compliance Systems
Rebecca LeBlanc
Rebecca LeBlanc
Sustainability Consultant
Ms. Rebecca LeBlanc is a sustainability consultant based north of Boston, Massachusetts. With over 30 years’ experience working in manufacturing, software development and project management, her innovative approach to systems design led to the development and integration of new tools and technologies. Her expertise is data, whether it be locating, modeling, analyzing or presenting it. She is experienced in modeling product systems for Life Cycle Analysis and working with various LCA tools. She has worked with companies in the farming/dairy, food, chemical, non-woven, electronics, building products, automotive, construction & plastics sectors helping them provide solid metrics to support their sustainability claims. Her interest in integrating risk-analysis with LCA began as a response to assisting her clients in presenting the complete picture of their products across their entire life-cycle where hazard based approaches were ineffective.
Tags: chemicals integration lca life cycle risk assessment spray foam polyurethaneSustainability Consultant
Event Details
Since product lifecycle risk assessments are chemical based, they can be utilized for any product made from chemicals (e.g., paints, furniture, textiles, pesticides, cosmetics, etc.), and can be
Event Details
Since product lifecycle risk assessments are chemical based, they can be utilized for any product made from chemicals (e.g., paints, furniture, textiles, pesticides, cosmetics, etc.), and can be integrated into any of these products LCAs.
The biggest obstacle in this integration process is to develop product, exposure, and site specific data required for the risk assessment. To illustrate this integration, we have conducted a lifecycle risk assessment for spray polyurethane foam (SPF), as well as utilizing data from the SPFA LCA. With SPF, the final product fulfills the regulatory definition of an “article” Which results in an even lower risk at this final stage since it involves only inhalation and dermal potential exposures and no ecological impacts. Clearly, integrated risk and lifecycle assessment capabilities are currently available, and can be applied to a wide spectrum of product types. This science-based information provides a realistic view of risk and exposure to harmful ingredients vs. a hazard-based approach which does not address the entire lifecycle of a product.
Integrated risk assessment and LCA capabilities offer
1) Reduced uncertainty of generic LCA assumptions
2) Incorporation of dose response and threshold exposure considerations
3) Accounting for site and application specific health and ecological effects
4) Calculation of product individual and additive ecological, health, and safety risk
5) Incorporation into each life cycle phase & summation across all phases
This webinar offers insight into how an integrated approach to material assessments results in more realistic view of impacts across the entire life cycle.
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