01sepAll Day03FSLCI @ LCM 2017 | The 6th International Summer School on Life Cycle Approaches for Sustainable Regional Development“The life cycle tool box for regions”


September 1, 2017 - September 3, 2017 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

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Maison du Savoir, Université de Luxembourg

2, Avenue de l’Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxemburg

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Speakers for this event

  • Alberto Bezama

    Alberto Bezama

    Working Group Leader, Helmholtz Centre Leipzig

    Alberto Bezama is leader of the Working Group “Bio-economy and Biomass Resources” in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany, focussed on the application of life cycle tools to assess bio-based technologies in a regional perspective, under the framework of bio-economy and circular economy strategies. He is a chemical engineer (University of Concepcion, Chile), with a PhD in Industrial Environmental Protection (University of Leoben, Austria). He has worked extensively in the areas of management of waste and contaminated sites, with an emphasis on cleaner production and sustainability assessment.


    Working Group Leader, Helmholtz Centre Leipzig

  • Fritz Balkau

    Fritz Balkau

    Independent Life Cycle Professional

    Fritz Balkau is an independent international advisor on sustainable development, focussing on sustainable production and consumption practices, enhanced resource efficiency and risk reduction in society. He has extensive policy experience in government and intergovernmental organisations (OECD, UNEP, OCHA), and has carried out numerous professional consultancy projects relating to preventive life-cycle based approaches to sustainability. He is a co-author of the recent book on Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development


    Independent Life Cycle Professional

  • Guido Sonnemann

    Guido Sonnemann

    Professor of Chemistry @ Université de Bordeaux

    Prof. Guido Sonnemann undertakes teaching and research in the field of life cycle approaches for sustainable chemistry and materials management at the University of Bordeaux, France, where he heads the Life Cycle Group CyVi at the Institute of Molecular Sciences. He has a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Rovira and Virgili, Spain, after training in environmental chemistry and engineering in France and Germany.  After a time as consultant, he worked for ten years from 2002 to 2012 on various aspects of life cycle and integrated resource management in the United Nations Environment Programme in Paris, at the end as scientific focal point for the Resource Efficiency sub-programme.  He has published more than hundred journal papers, book chapters and professional reports. He is a co-editor of recent books on Life Cycle Management and on Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development.


    Professor of Chemistry @ Université de Bordeaux

  • Naeem Adibi

    Naeem Adibi


    Naeem Adibi recently created WeLOOP a consulting and expertise company to support businesses and decision makers to assess, understand and improve their sustainability performance. Previously he was working as European project manager at Platform [avniR] in northern France. He has a multidisciplinary background in engineering, environmental sciences and management. He holds a PhD degree in civil engineering from French Ecole Centrale de Lille.  He has been coordinating numerous LCM and LCA projects in building construction, automotive and recycling, as well as in a range of industrial sectors.



  • Philip Strothmann

    Philip Strothmann

    Co-Founder & CFOO of the FSLCI

    Philip is an independent consultant with vast experience in international sustainability projects focussing on natural resource management and life cycle thinking. He’s been working with the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and UNEP’s International Resource Panel where he acted as the secretariat’s focal point on metals. He’s also been involved in the International Network of Product Sustainability Initiatives and has given trainings on LCA Database Management and Carbon Footprinting. He’s also chairman of Policy Innovation e.V., a Berlin-based youth NGO. Philip holds a Master in Public and Private Environmental Management from FU Berlin and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Bremen.


    Co-Founder & CFOO of the FSLCI

  • Stefania Massari

    Stefania Massari

    Professor, University of Salento

    Stefania Massari is Professor of Commodity Sciences in the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. She co-ordinates the degree courses in the business area of the Faculty of Economics. She holds an MSc in biology from the University of Bari, and has undertaken professional assignments for UNEP in Paris. She is a co-author of the recent book on Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development.


    Professor, University of Salento

  • Thomas Gibon

    Thomas Gibon


    Thomas Gibon is a researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. His focus is mobility, a key greenhouse gas-emitting sector in Luxembourg. Thomas aims at developing and assessing large-scale transportation scenarios to assess the environmental consequences of various policies for the region. In terms of background, he graduated with an engineering degree from France, as well as a MSc and a PhD in industrial Ecology from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Other than that, Thomas likes long-distance running, biking, and skiing.



  • Tim Grant

    Tim Grant

    Director, Life Cycle Strategies Pty Ltd

    Tim Grant is a specialist in life cycle assessment with 20 years’ experience developing and applying LCA across many different sectors including agriculture, energy, buildings, and waste management. Tim has been instrumental in the development of life cycle inventory databases in Australia and a number of online LCA tools. He was recently involved in a project looking at circular economy in South Australia and has undertaken ecological footprint studies for the City of Melbourne.  Tim is the Director of Life Cycle Strategies Pty Ltd and president for Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society (ALCAS).


    Director, Life Cycle Strategies Pty Ltd

  • Wouter Achten

    Wouter Achten

    Associate Professor, Université libre de Bruxelles

    Wouter Achten is Associate Professor at the Institute of Environmental Management and Land Use Planning (IGEAT), at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. He holds a MSc and PhD in Bioscience Engineering (Land and Forest Management) from Leuven, Belgium. He teaches on environmental management and impact assessment methods. His research focuses on applied and methodological research in life cycle thinking (LCA, LCC and SLCA). He currently has research projects related to alternative food systems, waste management, circular economy and LCA for land use planning.


    Associate Professor, Université libre de Bruxelles


    • Day 1
    • Day 2
    • Day 3
    • September 1, 2017
    • 09:00 Introduction to summer school.09:00- 09:30
      Outline of programme. Introduction of lecturers
      Speakers: Stefanie Massari
    • 09:30 Background on life cycle issues in regional development09:30- 10:00
      Intro into the topic of regions and presentation of book
      Speakers: Fritz Balkau
    • 10:00 Keynote lecture – Managing sustainability at regional level10:00- 11:00
    • 11:00 Student and staff introduction11:00- 11:30
      Speakers: Stefania Massari
    • 11:30 Thematic lecture & discussion “Analytical basis of regional LCM- a tool box overview”11:30- 12:30
      Speakers: Guido Sonnemann
    • 12:30 Lunch12:30- 13:30
    • 13:30 Thematic lecture and discussion “Extended LCA - Life cycle approaches for regional land use planning”13:30- 14:30
      Speakers: Wouter Achten
    • 14:30 Workshop on LCM implementation. Overview of students’ work on this theme.14:30- 17:00
      Optionally second workshop on landscape assessment.
      Speakers: Guido Sonnemann
    • 17:00 Synthesis of the day, panel, and feedback17:00- 18:00
      Speakers: Tim Grant
    • September 2, 2017
    • 09:00 Short student presentation to start the day 09:00- 09:30
      Speakers: Stefania Massari
    • 09:30 Thematic lecture “Materials flow as basis for regional development decisions” 09:30- 10:15
      Speakers: Tim Grant
    • 10:15 Workshop “Managing Circular Economy as a life cycle initiative” 10:15- 12:30
      Speakers: Fritz Balkau, Tim Grant
    • 12:30 Lunch Break12:30- 13:30
    • 13:30 Thematic lecture and workshop “Life cycle aspects of a regional bio-economy” 13:30- 14:30
      Speakers: Alberto Bezama
    • 14:30 Interactive Workshops/role play/problem exercises on expanded LCA techniques14:30- 17:30
      Speakers: Alberto Bezama, Guido Sonnemann, Tim Grant
    • 17:30 Synthesis of the day and feedback17:30- 18:00
      Speakers: Fritz Balkau
    • September 3, 2017
    • 09:00 Short student presentation to start the day 09:00- 09:30
      Speakers: Stefania Massari
    • 09:30 Thematic lecture “Agent-based life cycle modelling for regional mobility”09:30- 10:15
      Speakers: Thomas Gibon
    • 10:15 Thematic lecture & workshop “Industry interface –LCM tool box for regional SMEs”10:15- 12:30
      Speakers: Naeem Adibi
    • 12:30 Lunch12:30- 13:30
    • 13:30 Keynote lecture – LCA applications in a regional setting13:30- 14:30
      Speakers: Jim Fava
    • 14:30 Round table, Synthesis and Conclusions. Next steps.14:30- 15:30
      Speakers: Fritz Balkau
    • 15:30 Evaluation & Feedback, Transition to LCM201715:30- 16:00
      Speakers: Guido Sonnemann, Stefania Massari
    • 16:00 End of workshop16:00- 16:00

Event Details


Sustainability objectives are more likely to be achieved if regional administrations adopt a longer-term, holistic, life cycle approach to development decision-making.

The sixth Life Cycle Summer School is an opportunity for professionals and regional managers to become familiar with expanded LCA approaches to sustainable development at regional level.  The objective is to encourage a greater degree of life cycle thinking by influential social partners who wish to enhance the effectiveness of their sustainability programmes, and who have not so far employed these techniques extensively.  The Summer School is aimed at administrators in regional institutions, academics, and consultants as well as industry managers and associations and other partners that have an interest in promoting regional sustainability

The Summer School aims to develop familiarity with, and insights into, life cycle management approaches that can contribute to regional sustainability.  It expands the managerial toolbox currently employed for the promotion of, for example, circular economy, maintaining a vibrant SME industrial sector, developing local resource-based economies, and in gaining a better understanding of waste and pollution challenges in regional communities. Life cycle approaches can also assist in enhancing landscape and natural resource management.

The Summer School is based on a recent book Life cycle approaches to sustainable regional development (2017)”.  A number of the summer school lecturers are authors of important chapters in this publication.

This 2017 edition of the summer school will explore selected topics such as expanded LCA approaches for mapping regional materials flows, use of LCA for mobility policy, life cycle techniques for landscape and land-use, as well as building a LCM toolbox for SMEs.  Through lectures and workshops, these instruments will be examined for their role in strengthening regional programmes in circular economy, in industrial innovation and in building a bio-economy.  Mature students enrolled in the course will be encouraged to share their experience in these subjects.

For those wishing to update their knowledge on basic LCA, we will offer an introductory webinar ahead of the Summer School.

This year’s Summer School is linked with the International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2017, in Luxembourg which takes place from 3-6 September 2017. Applicants to the Summer School may wish to continue their exposure to LCM by participating also in this conference.


Purpose – improve the practical use of life cycle approaches that can lead to a higher level of sustainable development at regional level.

Objective – enhance participants’ knowledge of, and ability to apply, available life cycle tools, and their application to regional sustainability planning.


The Summer School is funded through students’ fees.  Lecturers and organisers are giving their time free of charge.  Fees are being kept to a minimum, covering essential meeting costs, course materials, lunches and coffee breaks, and expenses for selected international experts.  Students pay their own travel to Luxembourg, budget accommodation, and meals (other than lunches).

We would like to highlight that  all candidates are responsible for their own travel arrangements and insurance while in Luxembourg.  Candidates from outside the EU are also responsible for their own visa (if applicable).  

  • The full registration fee is 380 € for the 3-day Summer School.
  • FSLCI members are eligible for a 30 € rebate on the registration fee!

Please note: The Summer School is limited to 20 students and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Currently 5 places are still available. To apply for participation, please fill out the following form and indicate your participation interest below:


This summer school, the sixth in the series, is co-organized by the FSLCI and the LCASRD Group, a group of individuals who came together in 2011 to run the first series of such events in Lecce, Italy, and subsequently enlisted further experts to enable the publication of the book Life cycle approaches to sustainable regional development (2017).  The group brings together individuals and organisations as partners to promote life cycle approaches for regions.

The University of Salento initiated the Summer School series in 2011 and remains an important partner to its conduct also in other locations. The summer school in 2015 was held in the context of the LCM 2015 and with the support of the Université de Bordeaux and the FSLCI.








This year’s Summer School is linked with an event on sustainability and life cycle thinking , in Messina (Italy) 3-7 July 2017, and with the International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2017, in Luxembourg 3-6 September 2017:






Important contributions are also coming from :

  • cd2e , France
  • Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, FRG
  • University of Ghent, Belgium
  • UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

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Registrations Deadline



380€ Regular, 30€ Discount for FSLCI Members

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