13junAll Day24PhD courses in LCA modeling of technical systems


june 13 (Monday) - 24 (Friday)(GMT+00:00) View in my time


Technical University of Denmark

Anker Engelunds Vej 1 Bygning 101A, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark

Event Details

The Department of Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark offers two PhD courses in June 2016:

  • Course A: LCA modeling of waste management systems
  • Course B: LCA modeling of bioenergy technologies and systems

Courses description:

The course provides an introduction to LCA methodology as well as how to address the two types of systems. Focus is on providing the technical approach of modeling the various processes and technologies including the data structure and input to the model. The student will learn to set up scenarios (systems for comparison), acquiring data on processes as well as external processes (electricity, auxiliary materials, etc.). Performing the environmental assessment as well as the data interpretation are demonstrated several times during the course and also implemented by the participants using software installed on their own PCs.

Course A focuses on waste management technologies and systems, including waste generation, composition, source-segregation, collection, material recovery/recycling, bio-treatments (composting, digestion), landfilling, and thermal treatment.

Course B focuses on bioenergy technologies and systems, including biomass generation and composition, alternative biomass utilizations, land use
changes, bioconversion technologies (digestion, fermentation, etc.), integrated biorefineries with multiple outputs, thermal conversions.

Both courses utilize the EASETECH LCA model developed at DTU Environment, and the software will be available for free for future use in their academic PhD work.

Practical info:

Students can follow one or both courses, at their convenience. Topics common for both courses are taught together in the same class, while other topics and exercises are specific to the individual
courses. The teaching, however, is organized so students can follow and pass both courses. Each course is worth 5 ECTS credits.

Both courses take place within the same two weeks, June 13th – 24th 2016, at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark.

There will be a course fee of € 150 covering refreshments, excursion, and a social dinner (same fee no matter if it is 1 or 2 courses). The course is open to PhD students, academics and professionals (for professionals there is a software license fee for commercial use of €5000).
Via mail to [email protected] (40 seats available), deadline March 15th, 2016.

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150€ (Students)

Registrations Deadline


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