26novAll DayThe Ins and Outs of LCI Modeling and Regionalized Data (Hyderabad)


November 26, 2015 All Day(GMT+00:00)

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Event Details

Dive into the key challenges of life cycle inventory modeling and gain understanding on the importance of Indian life cycle inventory data for a sound sustainability assessment.

High quality, robust and transparent life cycle data is key to adequately capture the environmental impacts along entire supply chains that helps drive efficient and strategic decisions.

The workshop is targeted towards Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) practitioners who want to increase their skills in inventory modelling, to learn on how to regionalize life cycle data and to get updated on the currently available LCI data in India, as well as about ecoinvent’s ongoing LCI initiatives for collecting new regional data.


  • What is the good practice of life cycle inventory data and modelling?
  • How to establish life cycle inventory data?
  • What regional LCI data is currently available in India?
  • What are the key features of the ecoinvent database?
  • What are the planned ecoinvent data collection activities and how you can get involved?


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