With our Life Cycle Research Highlights we are putting a spotlight on open access papers we feel deserve special attention! Each month, we highlight four papers that we consider innovative, insightful and well written. Support us in identifying great research and submit a paper for consideration by our selection committee here. Subscribe to our dedicated project newsletter and receive our summaries each month directly in your mailbox!

Life‑LCA: case study of the life cycle impacts of an infant

Our Summary:

Life-LCA has advanced as a method of assessing and analyzing the impacts of human product and service consumption behaviour from the prenatal phase through age 49. According to the studies, more than 50% of emissions are attributed to transportation and food across all the impact categories, including climate change, acidification, eutrophication, and photochemical ozone formation. There is a high contribution from clothing consumption during the prenatal and infant phases, while energy and water have a major impact in adulthood phases.

Life cycle assessment of behind-the-meter Bitcoin mining at US power plant

Our Summary:

The study conducts a Life Cycle Assessment of a natural gas power plant that produces 88,840 metric tons of CO2-eq annually to mine Bitcoin behind-the-meter. If the powerplant directed 100% of its electricity production for mining Bitcoin, it would emit 656,983 metric tons of CO2-eq . In behind-the-meter Bitcoin mining, 79% to the major GHG emissions are attributed to the mining itself. This is especially relevant for the New York State as it aims to curb 85% of GHG emissions...

Sustainability improvements in complex systems composed of products and services

Our Summary:

The aim of this study is to assess and improve the sustainability of the products and services system composite. Thus, it proposes an approach to analyse system sustainability using the life cycle sustainability assessment method (LCSA) consisting of environmental, economic and social dimensions in four phases: (i) identification of links between involved systems; (ii) sustainability assessment of the P+S system; (iii) application of sustainability strategies; and (iv) sustainability results comparison. The research culminates in a set of quantitative sustainability indicators...

Review and expert survey of allocation methods used in life cycle assessment of milk and beef

Our Summary:

LCA results of beef and dairy products differ considerably depending on the impact allocation method used for by-products. The study reviews various available impact allocation methods and seeks to provide clarity when to use which one. As the demand for diverse materials from the Circular Economy grows, the review also concludes that inedible outputs of these systems (bone, hides, internal organs and manure) should be recognized as products and included in future LCA studies.

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