The International Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) Forum will take place from 5-6 December 2019 in Pescara, Italy. Deadline for abstract submissions is the 15th of October. The international event is organised by the Department of Economic Studies of the University “G. d’Annunzio” of Pescara-Chieti, in collaboration with Ecoinnovazione, the Social LCA Alliance, Region Abruzzo and in cooperation with UN Environment.

The theme of the conference is “The Circular Economy is about People”

It is well recognized that competitiveness cannot be based anymore on low prices and low quality. In order to render the European industry stronger and more competitive, a smart, innovative and sustainable industry should be based also on high-value added goods and services and on a transparent and value-driven chain management. The need to address the social issues is clearly expressed both by the market and by the European policies and initiatives, including also the strategy on sustainable finance and procurement. The front runners on the market, the innovators, those to whom a vision is just the first step towards a new success have recognized that the ability to manage social risks and opportunities along the value chain is key to the competitiveness of a globalized economy. The management of social issues is also an opportunity because it allows consumers to buy a product for what the product represents in terms of social values (in addition to its function). Moreover, it is an opportunity for rewarding those companies that are already creating social value for the community.

Sustainability is not a simple word but a whole concept; to make it happen, Society needs to give its contribution. Joining the forum will give you the opportunity to participate in the debate and get to know the methods and tools you can use for your new millennia business.


  1. Methodological developments of Social LCA
  2. Databases and tools for Social LCA
  3. Circular economy: innovations and other applications cases
  4. Social Organizational LCA
  5. Social LCA in the policy context
  6. Social LCA in procurement best-practices
  7. Evaluation of social performance and impacts in Social LCA
  8. Social LCA: risks management and valorization of social benefits and impacts within the organizations
  9. Social LCA and due diligence in the context of social responsibility
  10. Social LCA in practice: applications in industrial sectors

More information on the conference is available here.


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