Today we are pleased to share with you the Position Paper that we developed in response to the Draft Green Claims Directive (GCD) published by the European Commission on March 22. We welcome the EU Commission’s Sustainable Products Initiative and the introduction of the GCD as a key piece of the overall legislative package.
As an organization dedicated to promoting sustainability and innovation through life-cycle thinking, we have thoroughly reviewed the GCD and identified several areas where we recommend improvements and clarifications – especially with a focus on life-cycle aspects. With this, we aim to improve the effectiveness and credibility of the GCD and ensure the development of a robust and credible framework for green claims to enable consumers to make informed decisions and drive environmental progress.
The position paper was drafted based on discussions that took place during a workshop organized in the context of our 2nd Sustainability Insights event as well as follow-up conversations with and feedback from our members. The position paper has been submitted to the European Commission as part of the public consultation phase and can also be accessed here.
Tags: consumer information european commission green claims directive life cycle thinking position paper