Ecoinvent is still accepting proposals until the 3rd of March in response to their call for tender for “life cycle inventory data collection and submission to the ecoinvent database” related to the geography of Latin America (Brazil, Colombia and Peru).

Ecoinvent is mandated by Empa in Switzerland to carry out the Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI) project component A: Life Cycle Inventories. SRI component A gathers and provides local LCI data for the assessment of agricultural and industrial activities through the enhancement of LCA expertise with the aim of providing freely available regionalized LCI data. SRI component A is funded by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland and operates across three regions with a focus on specific countries: South America (Brazil, Peru, Colombia), Southern Africa (South Africa), and Asia (India).

Through this call, ecoinvent aims to subcontract the task of LCI data collection, dataset creation and submission to the ecoinvent database. The collected data shall belong to the following sectors and geography:

Geographies: Latin America with focus on Brazil, Colombia and Peru
Sectors: Wild capture and aquaculture

The invitation to tender document which details the project tasks, application requirements, evaluation criteria, budget, and the proposal submission procedure and deadline can be found on the ecoinvent website.

The deadline to submit your complete proposal is 3rd of February 2017.


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