LCI-arttext-4cOur friends from the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative are currently looking for feedback on the conformance criteria which they’ve developed for LCA databases. The criteria are meant to allow an assessment of conformance of LCA databases with the Global Guidance Principles on LCA Databases. If you would like to help reviewing the criteria, you can find there here.

In addition UNEP and the Life Cycle Initiative are also looking for feedback on draft dataset review criteria, which has been recently developed. To provide feedback, you can review the proposed criteria here. Feedback is welcome until the 15th of December.

Finally in the context of the Initiative’s  LCM CMM project, Wladimir Motta is currently conducting a survey of how Life Cycle Assessment is currently implemented in different countries as part of his PhD research. The objective is to get a picture of best practices worldwide, and how it can be adapted to the Brazilian context. The survey is open until the 14th of November and takes only 10 minutes to be completed. We’d appreciate if you would participate in the survey, which you can access here.



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