The 9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) and the 25th annual conference of the International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST) will be held jointly in Chicago, Illinois, USA from June 25-29, 2017. Deadline for abstract submissions is the 30th of December 2016.
The theme of the conference, “Science in Support of Sustainable and Resilient Communities,” emphasizes the crucial role that research in Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Systems plays in the planning, design, and governance of socio-ecological communities; the importance of understanding the complexity of such systems and their responses to both long term and short term perturbations; and how this knowledge is being applied to devise holistic solutions across multiple spatial and temporal scales, and organizational settings.
Abstracts for Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, and Special Sessions should be no more than 500 words and should fall within 1-3 of the specified sub-topics for the conference. Proposals for Special Sessions should detail the session topic, format, and tentative speakers.
Abstracts are due December 30, 2016, and can be submitted at the conference website:
Conference Sub-Topics
- Complexity, resilience and sustainability
- Environmentally and socially-extended input-output analysis
- Industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial development
- Industrial ecology in developing countries
- Life cycle sustainability assessment
- Socio-economic metabolism and material flow analysis
- Sustainable business models
- Circular economy
- Human behavior and rebound
- Open source data, big data, data mining, and industrial ecology
- Food, energy, water, and nutrient material flows and footprints
- Sustainable energy systems
- Sustainable urban systems
- Sustainable consumption and production
- Network theory for industrial ecology
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- Planetary boundaries
- Sustainability and resilience metrics
- Products and Services, design for the environment, product declarations
and labelling - Infrastructure systems, the built environment, and smart and connected
infrastructure - Resilience and planning
- Management and technology for sustainable and resilient energy, water,
food, materials, manufacturing, and waste - Business and industry practices / case studies
- Advances in methods (e.g., life cycle assessment, social impact
assessment, resilience analysis) - Decision support methods and tools
- Public policy and governance
- Education in sustainability science