09sepAll DayDF 62LCA and decision making: when and how to use consequential LCA?


September 9, 2016 All Day(GMT+00:00)

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ETH Zurich

Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland

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Event Details

What are the environmental implications of the European Union’s goal that 10 % of transport fuel should come from renewable sources by 2020? Is it sufficient to switch the energy supply of the existing building stock of a city to renewable energy to reach carbon footprint targets? Does an autarchy policy in the agricultural sector reduce the pressure on the environment (locally and/or globally)? Policies and decision situations like these call for advanced LCA models. Different concepts of Consequential LCA have been introduced for that purpose. This forum will provide the opportunity to learn about the moti-vation and reasoning of public and private deci¬sion makers who commissioned consequential LCAs. Results from consequential LCA case studies as well as from ongoing research in the field of conse¬quential LCA will be presented. Consequences on background data needs and potential consequences on life cycle impact assessment methods are discussed. There will be room for discussing key areas of application and related important methodological issues with the opportunity to draft a joint statement on areas of consensus and disagreement.

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