26mayAll Day30SETAC Europe 29th Annual MeetingOne Environment. One Health. Sustainable Societies.


May 26, 2019 - May 30, 2019 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

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Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre

Messuaukio 1, 00520 Helsinki, Finland

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Event Details

SETAC Helsinki is a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities. You cannot miss this event if you are interested in emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry. Between 2,000 and 2,500 scientists, assessors, regulators and managers from academia, business and government, representing an average of 60 countries, provides a unique networking opportunity and a chance for cross-collaboration long after the closing session.

The SETAC Europe Annual Meeting in 2019 in Helsinki will be the number one meeting place where scientists from various disciplines and sectors (Academia, Business, Government and NGOs) will find new opportunities to present, to debate and disseminate the most recent scientific knowledge, developments and applications for:

  • Reducing and regulating the use of chemicals in the environment,
  • Remediating soil, air and water pollution,
  • Proposing the use of more sustainable chemicals.

Many areas in the world are affected by pollution due to long-range transport of contaminants causing health hazards to local ecosystems, including indigenous human populations of the north. This underlines the fact that chemical pollution and its effects are indeed global, while new approaches for the management and counteractions have to be tailored for the specific environments in question.

The backbone of this meeting is the recognition that environmental protection plays an important role in public health, and to contribute to our global goal of creating sustainable future societies. The scientific programme consists of 7 tracks for parallel sessions. Have a look at the track descriptions before submitting your session proposal:

1. Ecotoxicology and human toxicology: from molecules to organisms, from omics to in vivo
2. Ecotoxicology becomes stress ecology: from populations to ecosystems and landscapes
3. Environmental chemistry and exposure assessment: analysis, monitoring, fate and modeling
4. Ecological risk assessment and human health risk assessment of chemicals, mixtures and stressors and risk mitigation strategies
5. Life cycle assessment and foot-printing
6. Environmental policy, risk management, and science communication
7. Think-outside-the-box (fundamentally new concepts, innovative/controversial ideas, interdisciplinary issues)

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