SusCritMat (Sustainable Management of Critical Raw Materials) , a consortium built by the international experts working on topics related to critical raw materials is organizing an autumn school for professionals from October 24th to October 26th at TU Delft, Netherlands.

Three individual tracks are prepared in the school for the different needs of the professionals:

1- Policy & Regulation including economic aspects and certification potential

2- Circular Economy Strategies including resource efficiency and closing loops on product level

3- Tools & Analytics including an overview of available software solutions and good use of data

Our founding member Guido Sonnemann who teaches sustainable chemistry and material management at the University of Bordeaux will be teaching about Resource Efficiency in the Circular Economy Strategies track.

The participation fee is 2000 € and includes teaching materials, meals, breaks, social activities, and a preliminary webinar. Applicants working for SMEs or NGOs will benefit from a 30% reduction.

The deadline for registration is September 10, 2018. More information can be found here.


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