We are happy to share with you that you can still submit abstracts for the 8th edition of the International Conference of Social Life Cycle Assessment 2022. The conference will take place in a hybrid format from 5th-8th September 2022 in Aachen, Germany and is hosted by the Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering (INaB) RWTH Aachen University.
The theme of the event is “Leave no one behind”. It thus reflects the important role of stakeholders in social well-being. During the conference current methodological advances and best practices in the field of social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) will be presented.
You are invited to submit abstracts for one of the sessions, grouped under the following three themes:
– Policy instruments and standardization processes
– Towards a consolidated Methodology
– Perspectives at regional and sector levels
The deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2022.
More information on the topics and submission can be found here.
Tags: call for abstracts SLCA social life cycle assessment