LCAXV_FSLCI_InfoSession2Today we’d like to share some impressions with you from our presences at the ILCM 2015 conference in New Delhi and the LCA XV conference in Vancouver. The ILCM 2015 conference took place from the 14th to 15th of September and convened a number of international and Indian participants. Shortly before the conference started we signed a partnership agreement with FICCI, who’s done a tremendous job in bringing life cycle thinking to India throughout the last few years. During ILCM, we were not only present with our little booth but also due to our CFO’s presentation on ‘Collaboration and Communication as Essential Tools for Mainstreaming Life Cycle Thinking’, which was based on the corresponding chapter of the recently published LCM book.

Similar to the previous conferences, we also had a little booth during the LCA XV conference, which took place from the 6th – 8th of October in Vancouver and was organized by our friends from the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA). The conference started with a great panel discussion that focussed on the aspects of building the global community and putting a higher emphasis on communication. It was moderated by our Board’s Chair Martina Prox and provided a number of interesting insights and ideas. The conference was well attended and convened mostly the North American Life Cycle Community. Our booth was again well received and we’ve taken a number of great ideas back home from Vancouver on how the FSLCI could better serve the Life Cycle Community in going forward. In addition to the booth and a number of our members being present, we also organized a little info-session on Wednesday. Despite the early hour, some 25 conference participants showed up at 7:30am in the morning to learn more about and engage with us on the FSLCI.

We would like to thank everyone who’s taken the time to talk to us during both conferences. We highly appreciate the positive feedback that we’ve received at all past events and hope that in going forward we’ll be able to respond to all the different ideas and proposals that we’ve been provided with. We would also like to thank everyone who’s joined that FSLCI so far. We highly appreciate your support by becoming a member and hope that we’ll be able to continue to grow our membership base as we move forward. If you haven’t become a member yet, please check out our FAQ to learn more about us and register here to become part of the FSLCI!


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