JRCWithin the framework of sustainable development of pharmaceuticals in healthcare systems, there is an emerging need towards streamlining and harmonization in terms of sustainability assessments of global supply mechanisms.

As part of the European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment (EPLCA), the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) kicked-off a project in 2015 on reviewing the state of the art of sustainability assessments used in pharmaceutical and healthcare systems. The three main objectives through reviewing scientific literature, gathering feedback through surveys and expert interviews are:

  • Reporting state of the art LCI and LCIA methods used in pharmaceutical production and in evaluating environmental sustainability of current healthcare systems.
  • Evaluation of the possible construction of a so-called node in the Life Cycle Data Network (LCDN) to enhance collaboration in (corporate) sustainability assessments; the construction of a Life Cycle Database for pharma healthcare
  • Evaluation of the EC Production Environmental Footprinting (PEF) method and identification of necessary requirements towards Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR).

This Survey intends to gather expert opinions on above mentioned topics and the application of LCA in general on pharmaceutical products in healthcare pathways. For this, The Commission reaches out to a variety of stakeholders including private industrial companies, NGOs, researchers, policy makers, etc.

Please find the link to the Survey here: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/8a13105b-f2f8-4b9d-becf-5558c2e87cb1

The application will close on November 1st. Please contribute to this initiative by completing the Survey before the end of October.


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