The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering is inviting applications for two Travel Awards for postdoctoral researchers and PhD students to attend an international conference in 2018. The nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee presided by the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Dr. Tony Clare.

Candidate Requirements:

1. This award is open to postdoctoral fellows or PhD candidate students involved in marine science and engineering related research. There is no age limit, but post-docs should be within 3 years of award of their PhD.

2. Will attend an international conference in 2018 (oral or poster presentations will both be considered).

3. Applicants are required to submit the following documents:

  • Outline of current and future work, including an explanation of how the applicant will benefit from presenting their work at the conference (300 words)
  • CV, including a complete list of publications
  • The details of the planned conference (which conference, where, when, etc…)
  • The submitted abstract
  • A letter of recommendation from the supervisor or PI, with statement indicating the student or post-docs eligibility

4. Preference will be given to applicants meeting one or two of the following requirements:

  • Have previously published papers or plan to publish in JMSE
  • Demonstrate a commitment to future research or a professional career in the field of marine science

The award will be 800 CHF (Swiss Francs) each.

Please send your applications to [email protected] by April 20th 2018. The winners will be announced by May 20th 2018.


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