Cities are becoming increasingly important in high level meetings and boards focusing on Climate Change all around the world. Moreover, studies show how the importance of urban settlements will increase as their population does. Water Scarcity is becoming a hot topic and, in parallel, the concept of Circular Economy has taken off and has boosted the use and application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

The UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change has been involved in many European and International consortiums to analyze environmental impacts from a Life Cycle perspective. Now they are conducting a study to set a basis for Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of cities. A key issue of this assessment is the need to set which activities (and related impacts) should be attributed to each city under study in order to distribute responsibility and accountability for related externalities.

The goal of the present survey is to gather the life cycle communities’ opinion about how to set the boundaries of the city under study and how to allocate the impacts of activities that take place in different geographic locations. The survey has only 13 questions and participation would contribute to the achievement of the 11th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Sustainable Cities and Communities.

You can find the survey here:


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