Today we are happy to launch our Call for Abstracts and Workshop Proposals for the 1st Life Cycle Innovation Conference (LCIC 2018). The conference will take place from 29. – 31. August 2018 in Berlin, Germany and we cannot wait to welcome you to LCIC 2018! As a global membership-based organization interaction with our members and the wider Life Cycle Community is key. Hence we have been extremely thankful to all our national network partners which allowed us to be present at their respective conferences over the last three years. Now it is time for us to use these experiences and create something new, exciting and innovative! With LCIC 2018 we will not only focus on innovation as the key topic, but follow the conference theme collaborate, innovate, co-create and provide you with new formats during the conference meant to enhance interaction and dialogue. Submit your abstract now and join us in Berlin in August!
Call for Abstracts for LCIC 2018 now open