The organizers of CILCA 2019 have partnered up with Earthshift Global and are running a video contest. Until the 30th of June you can still submit a video that presents a research finding or a research project to the general public.
The video should be not longer than 1min and made either in English, Spanish (w/ subtitles) or Portuguese (w/ subtitles) and can include all kinds of digital art forms like cartoons, sketching, choreography, etc. Whatever format is used, the video should be appealing to the general public yet keep substance.
Videos can by submitted by students, researchers and other participants of CILCA 2019. Participants can win up to $500 in cash prizes. Prizes will be awarded for each category. Selected submissions will be shared and posted online on ESG’s and CILCA 2019’s social media platforms and website.
To participate in the contest please send an email with the subject “Video Competition” to [email protected] and cc [email protected]. Videos should be submitted in mp4 format, with a minimum resolution of 480px and a maximum size of 1GB. Ideally use a file share service such as Google Drive, or Dropbox to share your file!
Tags: cilca contest video