Life cycle thinking and safe-and-sustainable-by-design approaches for the battery innovation landscape

Published in: iScience

Volumen:  26   |  Pages:  25   |  Year of Publication:  2021  | License:  CC BY 4.0

What is the objective?

This study surveyed the technical and policy literature related to battery technology development to provide recommendations for a comprehensive approach to SSbD that remains firmly based on the principles of LCT.

Our Short Summary.

This article uses Life Cycle Thinking as a methodology to address the impacts of the battery production value chain in Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design. SSbD targets the dimensions of safety, environmental, social, and economic sustainability. The authors used LCA, S-LCA, LCC and the Levelized Cost of Storage indicator to compare categories such as criticality, human toxicity, environmental toxicity, social impact, circularity, functionality, and cost for battery technologies. The review found that the creation and integration of knowledge-based systems improve the operationalization of SSbD.

Why you should read it!

This article is primarily addressed to professionals from different disciplines with an interest in the development of safe and sustainable batteries, where the creation of organisational infrastructures for multidisciplinary decision-making is considered.

Original Abstract

Developments in battery technology are essential for the energy transition and need to follow the framework for safe-and-sustainable-by-design (SSbD) materials, chemicals, products, and processes as set by the EU. SSbD is a broad approach that ensures that chemicals/advanced materials/products/services are produced and used in a way to avoid harm to humans and the environment. Technical and policy-related literature was surveyed for battery technologies and recommendations were provided for a broad SSbD approach that remains firmly grounded in Life Cycle Thinking principles. The approach integrates functional performance and sustainability (safety, social, environmental, and economic) aspects throughout the life cycle of materials, products, and processes, and evaluates how their interactions reflect on SSbD parameters. 22 different types of batteries were analyzed in a life cycle thinking approach for criticality, toxicity/safety, environmental and social impact, circularity, functionality, and cost to ensure battery innovation has a green and sustainable purpose to avoid unintended consequences.


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