Quick Summary
License: Commercial
Geographies: Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America, Oceania
Sectors: Agriculture, Chemicals, Construction, Energy Supply, Material Supply, Resource Extraction, Textiles, Tourism, Transport, Waste Management, Water Supply
Number of Datasets:
Short Description
The GaBi LCA Databases offer over 15,000 plans and processes, to a large extent based on primary data collection during Sphera’s global work with companies, associations and public bodies. These datasets have been developed from an underlying database of at least the same number of unit process datasets. Another 2,300 datasets are available as “Data-on-Demand only” content, hence reaching an overall coverage of about 15,000 datasets (including about 1,000 complete models). GaBi Databases have by far the largest LCI data industry coverage worldwide. And, regionalized water and land use data are included throughout the GaBi Databases and can be used with your own regionalized data. Compliance and standardization concerning ISO, EN, ILCD, EF has been further advanced, and the dataset-internal documentation is more detailed than ever.
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Please note: All information was provided by the database provider or retrieved from the database’s website. Information provided may be incomplete.