September 3, 2017 - September 6, 2017 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Luxembourg Congrès
1 r. du Fort Thuengen, 1499 Luxembourg
Event Details
The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of
Event Details
The LCM (Life Cycle Management) conference series is one of the world’s leading forums for environmental, economic and social sustainability. The focus is on practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making, whether in science, industry, NGOs or public bodies. Demonstrations of LCM whether at the stage of methodology development, tools and methods experimentation, or LCM-driven success stories as market innovations, are expected at the LCM2017 conference.
Designing sustainable technologies, products and policies: from science to innovation
The objective of LCM2017 is to discuss and advance the implementation of Life Cycle approaches along the businesses value chain, supporting environmental, social and economic sustainability related to:
- The development of industrial technologies, products, services and policies.
- The development and management of smart agricultural systems, smart mobility systems, urban infrastructures and energy for the built environment.
Therefore, we invite you to submit your proposals and ideas for the conference sessions, considering the following topics in relation with the main themes of the conference:
- Integration of LCM and product development
- Ecodesign of complex products, services, and systems
- Innovation in sustainable urban systems
- Innovations and developments of LCM methods and tools
- Implementation of LCM along the supply chain
- LCM applied to regions to foster its integration by SMEs
- Sustainability reporting and labelling for businesses (e.g. EPD, Product/Organisation Footprint, GRI, Green Procurement, CSR, …)
- Decision making based on LCM
- LCM and its relevance for circular economy
- Communication of LCM-based policies, strategies and achievements
Invitation to submit proposals for sessions
We invite all interested businesses, academia, public bodies or NGOs, to suggest sessions for the LCM2017. We welcome suggestions for different formats of sessions, conventional platform sessions, panel discussions, interactive workshops, pecha kucha, and poster sessions. We invite you to consult the LCM 2017 session formats for the detailed description of available session formats.
To send your submission, please use ConfTool LCM 2017, and submit before 15th of February 2016. In your proposal, you should suggest a session title and you should demonstrate how the session is related to the conference themes. Please also specify the session format you would like to use in accordance with the session formats description available at www.lcm2017.org. The response to the call for sessions will be reflected in the call for abstracts in May 2016.
Please visit www.lcm2017.org to get information about the abstracts and paper review process expected to be implemented by the session chairs, and make sure you agree with this before any session proposal submission.
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Session Submission Deadline
Abstract Submission Deadline