On the 24th June we will organize the first ever Circular Economy Barcamp Berlin supported by The Place Berlin. The Barcamp will provide a unique opportunity to come together and discuss all things circular economy.

The Circular Economy concept has gained wide traction among decision-makers as well as the general public over the past few years and a lot of initiatives and projects are looking into making a Circular Economy a reality. The Circular Economy Barcamp Berlin provides a space for all stakeholders to come together and present and discuss their projects, ideas or simply engage with likeminded people!

Barcamps are so called unconferences or ad-hoc conferences. Instead of sitting back and listening, barcamps are all about engagement and interactivity and provide flexible space for discussion of spontaneously proposed topics. During the Circular Economy Barcamp Berlin every conference participant will have 30sec during the initial welcome session to present a topic that he or she would like to discuss. Afterwards, the audience will vote on the proposed topic. If sufficient interest is available, a time-slot and room will be allocated for the open group discussion. As such, we will build the program on the spot and tailor it as best as possible to your interest!

We tested the barcamp format during last year’s Life Cycle Innovation Conference and had a lot of positive feedback! That’s why we decided to use the format to provide a space for an open discussion on all things Circular Economy!

Get your ticket now and join us for a truly interactive discussion on how to best implement a Circular Economy!

  1. Circular economy is becoming one of the major goals of waste management practices in Egypt. It is still a new area but interest is very high. Hope this function would also include hurdles of applying circular economy in developing countries, how to promote the state of the art and so forth.

    • Martina Prox 6 years ago

      Hi Mohamed, in a Barcamp Format the topics are brought from the participants to the event. So it will depend who joins the event in Berlin, which sessions are offered.
      The Barcamp format is easy to apply and you could consider to organize a barcamp in Egypt and get the local actors that should be involved in applying life cycle approaches and circular economy.

      From my observation circular economy is also a big topic in emerging economies like India, but the solution and business models that are found in India are very different from the experiences in Europe, even if technology or material innovations may inspire change.

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