Today we would like to let you know that you still have until the 15th of June to register for LCM 2019 and benefit from the early bird ticket price! LCM 2019 – the biggest life cycle conference of the year, is less than three months away and we look forward to a great conference in Poland.
As usual, FSLCI will be present with a booth and we will run a number of sessions, which you should attend if you participate:
- Session T3-4: Success Factors for Embedding Life Cycle Management into Existing Business Practices
- Session T4-5: Life Cycle Approaches to Sustainable Regional Development
- Session T5-3: Addressing Marine Litter within Life Cycle Assessment and Management
In addition, we will organize our General Assembly at LCM 2019 and host a FSLCI Strategy Workshop the day after LCM 2019 at the University of Poznan. If you have not bought your ticket yet, do it now! We look forward to seeing you in Poland in September!
By the way, we’re organizing our Life Cycle Summer School this year right ahead of LCM 2019 in Berlin, just a quick train-ride away and you can still apply!
Tags: conference early bird lcm lcm2019 life cycle management