Logo LCM 2015PRESS RELEASE, 26.04.2015, Berlin

Today we are happy to announce that we’ve managed to partner with the organisers of the LCM 2015 conference to foster the use of life cycle management in businesses and other organisations.

Leading Conference to partner with FSLCI

The Life Cycle Management conferences are established as one of the leading conference series worldwide in the field of environmental, economical and social sustainability. The unique feature of LCM is developing practical solutions for the implementation of life cycle approaches into strategic and operational decision-making. The Life Cycle Conference is for international decision-makers from science, industry, NGOs and public bodies. With its focus on providing a space for discussion and exchange between the scientific and the application-oriented parts of our community, the LCM conference series it is the perfect stakeholder to partner with the FSLCI.

Special deal to save on LCM 2015 Conference Fee

To this end, we are thrilled to announce that we have come up with a special deal* for FSLCI members. As a member of the FSLCI you will save up to 60€ on the conference fee as a normal member and 40€ as a student member! In other words, students who became a FSLCI member recently and were planning to participate in the LCM 2015 will get their first year of membership essentially for free.

Access to inaugural event on Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation 

In addition to saving money, you will also gain access to a special event organized by the FSLCI back to back the LCM 2015 conference on the 3rd of September. The event will focus on three major topics:

1. Principles for Life Cycle Professionals
2. Enhancing Communication to mainstream Life Cycle Management
3. The role of LC approaches in accounting

To learn more about the event, please find more information here. After lunch, the first major General Assembly of the FSLCI will take place, where you will have the opportunity to vote or be voted into the new Board of Directors, if you are interested in shaping the future of the FSLCI.

We are convinced that this partnership will add value for FSLCI members and invite you to participate in the LCM 2015 conference and join our Special Event as well as the General Assembly on September 3rd.


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