Today we are excited to invite you to participate in this year’s global Life Cycle Community Survey. The survey is meant to help us get a better understand the status of LCA and Life Cycle Thinking around the world. We would like to develop a good understanding of what key issues the global life cycle community is facing, which areas are most of interest to you, and what is happening in the life cycle space.

The survey should not require more than 15 minutes of your time to be completed. The anonymized survey results on the status of LCA will be presented during LCIC 2024 and published in open-source format on our website after the conference so anyone can use the data for their research.

If you provide us with your personal data at the end of the survey, you will also get the chance to participate in our raffle to win one out of three 100€ vouchers for LCIC 2024 if you participate ahead of March 20!

We thank you very much in advance for your feedback!


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