China_DatabaseWe are happy to be able to inform your that a review process of  the recently launched Chinese Core Life Cycle Database (CLCD) is about to start. CLCD review will start with the Chinese grid electricity model, and it will be followed by dozens of Chinese LCA models with hundreds of unit processes (such as mining, production and transport of basic energy carriers, metals and non-metal materials, chemicals, etc. ) in the coming couple of months.

The team managing the database is now looking for LCA experts to participate in their first review, from whom they would like to receive feedbacks and incorporate them into the datasets and model. Moreover, they also invite LCA database developers and managers to participate in their review. It will be a great opportunity for them to understand specific review requirements stipulated by various review programs, such as (but no limited to) ecoinvent, ILCD, PEF, UNEP/SETAC as well as other database programs.

To ensure a transparent and efficient review process, the team has developed an online system, namely eFootprint, in which LCA models have been uploaded. Invited reviewers will:

     have full access to the model and datasets for review through your web browser;

    • check every single inventory flow, as well as their detailed documentation of raw data, references, and mathematical relations behind;

    add your comments and feedbacks through the online review report;

According to the team, with eFootprint, the review would not take too much of your time. If you want, they will walk you through eFootprint and the model online in 30 minutes, then you may take closer look into the model and data and leave your comments when you are available. They will then combine and respond to your comments in the end.

If you are interested in learning more about and joining the review process, please send an email to Hongtao Wang: [email protected]

More information on CLCD review and eFootprint will also be presented at LCM 2015 in Bordeaux, August 30 – September 2. The team is also interested in how eFootprint would be applicable for your LCA review or database development in future. Feel free to contact them for more discussion at: [email protected]



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