CCS-WebinarWith requirements for transparency and disclosure becoming the norm, especially in the building products industry, it is critical that decision makers are equipped with an understanding of which quantitative and qualitative methods are most appropriate for specific scenario models.

Currently, material ingredient evaluation credits are being rewarded (USGBC and LEED v4) based upon a hazard based approach.

It is also commonly used in industry throughout the world. Hazard-based assessment is overly simplistic, potentially misleading, and does not provide a full, scientific evaluation of chemical and product risks. On the other hand, the science of risk assessment can effectively define acceptable risks from chemicals and products by recognizing their hazards and controlling their exposure scenarios.

Regulatory and consumer pressures are increasing the need for manufacturers to perform risk assessments on existing chemicals, products and manufacturing processes to assure consumers, workers, and the environment are adequately protected. Join Dr. George Thompson as he explains and demonstrates our Web-based, quantitative, multi-criteria, risk-based modules that can be applied across the four phases of the lifecycle. These systems each include a 30,000 chemical reference database and utilize 44 criteria from the NSF/ANSI 355 national “Greener Chemicals and Processes Information Standard,” and are complemented by in-depth risk calculations that utilize REACH exposure algorithms, based upon product-specific exposure scenarios.

These webinars highlight how a science-based risk approach integrated into life-cycle phases legitimately addresses questions relating to what a buildings inhabitants may or may not be exposed to.

The webinars are also meant to attract FSLCI members to a FSLCI working group we would form relating to how manufacturers would utilize hazard-based assessment and risk-based assessment appropriately within the context of an LCA.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. George Thompson is a toxicologist with 46 years of experience in chemical, product and process hazard and risk assessments. He has been President and CEO of Chemical Compliance Systems, Inc. (CCS) for the past 32 years. CCS has developed the largest relational chemical and product databases in the world, and 38 Web-based analytical compliance modules. CCS risk assessment capabilities include quantitative “green” comparative analyses and exposure Risk Characterization Ratio calculations. Impacts of constituent chemicals on regulatory lists and data reports for Environmental, Health, and Safety Product Declarations are performed simultaneous with the risk assessments. Alternative constituent chemical analyses and substitutions are also part of these capabilities

Webinar 1: GreenSuite® Automated Chemical, Product, Process & Lifecycle Risk Assessments

(Green Comparisons, Exposure Calculations, Lifecycle Analyses)

Date: Tues, December 7, 3 – 4 PM Or Weds. December 16, 11:30 – 12:30 PM (ET)

For more info please click here.

Webinar 2: Utilizing the Science of Risk Assessment for Building Product Selections

(Risk vs. Hazard Assessments)

Dates: Weds., December 9 3:00 – 4:00 PM (ET) Or Mon. December 14 11:30 – 12:30 PM (ET)

For more info please click here.


To register for the free webinars, please contact: [email protected]



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