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Webinar Presenters & Description



Rebecca LeBlanc

President, LCA Resource

FSLCI member

[email protected]


Dr. George Thompson

President & CEO, Chemical Compliance Systems, Inc.

[email protected]

Utilizing actual LCA & risk-assessment information for building products and Green Suite, this webinar will demonstrate that integrated risk assessment and LCA capabilities offer:

  1. Reduced uncertainty of generic LCA assumptions
  2. Incorporation of dose response and threshold exposure considerations
  3. Accounting for site and application specific health and ecological effects
  4. Calculation of product individual and additive ecological, health, and safety risks
  5. Incorporation into each life cycle phase & summation across all phases

The webinar is going to be presented by FSLCI-member Rebecca LeBlanc, a sustainability expert with practical experience in bridging between the LCA and Risk Assessment world, and George Thompson, a long time expert in Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment.

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1 Comment
  1. Author
    Philip Strothmann 8 years ago

    Dear all, apologies for the sound of this recording. We had some unexpected technical challenges because Rebecca’s area in Boston lost electricity right before the live webinar started. Hence George ran the webinar from his end, which caused a bit of an issue sound-wise.

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