We are really thrilled to share with you the second paper of the FSLCI's Working Group on Teaching LCA in Higher Education. Learn more about the global state of the Art of Teaching LCA.
New paper on “Teaching life cycle assessment in higher education” published
, FSLCI News, Global, Scientific Paper, 1Today we are happy to let you know that our working group on "LCA in Higher Education" recently published a new paper on "Teaching life cycle assessment in higher education" in the International Journ...
How to account for plastic emissions in life cycle inventory analysis? – Perspective Paper published
, FSLCI News, Global, Scientific Paper, 0We are happy to share with you today that we recently published a perspective paper on the question "How to account for plastic emissions in life cycle inventory analysis?". Read on to learn more!
The water footprint community in LCA and outside LCA have been discussing their different approaches for many years already. The former quantifying potential impacts from water use and the latter aggr...