Sustainability at LCIC 2018
Sustainability was not only discussed in detail during LCIC 2018, we also tried to reduce sustainability impacts as best as possible. Below we outline a number of things we did to ensure that LCIC 2018 was a truly sustainable conference.

The Life Cycle Innovation Conference 2018 took place right in the heart of Berlin, close to the famous Checkpoint Charlie. LCIC 2018 was hosted at Tagungswerk Berlin, which is one of Berlin’s most sustainable conference venues and offers a great place to come together, collaborate, innovate and co-create! Tagungswerk Berlin is a conference venue which is hosted in a former church, which has been renovated to be as energy-efficient as possible.

During LCIC 2018 only vegetarian and vegan food options were served for lunch. Food was provided by a local catering service which provides regional, organic and bio food in line with seasonal considerations. Food was calculated based on a pre-conference survey and thus tailored to the number of participants per day. Food that was not consumed was donated to local shelters in Berlin to avoid food waste.

Conference Dinner
The conference dinner was hosted at Refugio Berlin, a local co-living space between locals and refugees in Berlin. The dinner was served by Levante Gourmet, a local catering service run by Syrian refugees. Transport to the dinner was organized by buses to the conference venue. For the return journey conference participants were provided with local transport tickets and encouraged to make use of public transport options.

Conference Material
All conference material was made available online and via a conference app to the conference participants to decrease paper waste. Only two role-up banners were printed with the logo of the conference, no major banner or other unnecessary promotional conference material was printed. The logo printed on the bio and fair trade certified conference bags was the organizers logo, hence allowing bags to be reused for various other future events. Felt-based lanyards were used for the conference badges and badges were printed on paper in order to avoid the usage of plastic casings or lanyards. Lanyards collected at the end of the conference in order to be reused.

Speaker Presents
Instead of providing conference keynote speakers and panelists with presents, it was decided to support the local Stadtbaum Kampagne, a project by the city of Berlin to (re)plant donation based trees. 500€ were donated to the city of Berlin, which matches each donation with a similar amount to cover for the cost of planting the tree and takes care of the maintenance of the tree. The tree was planted on the 3rd of December 2018 at Kurze Straße 8, 13189 Berlin along with a sign highlighting the donation provided by LCIC 2018 participants.