Collaborate, Innovate, Co-Create
For LCIC 2020 we decided to stick to our initial conference theme, which is meant as a call for action to come together as a community and collaborate, innovate and co-create not just with fellow life cycle experts, but more broadly with anyone interested in sustainability and systems thinking. We still have three dedicated themes for each of the days under which the keynote and panel discussions will be organized! Where possible, sessions, workshops and barcamps that fall into the same theme will also be scheduled to take place at the same day. However, the conference will discuss a broader range of sustainability topics, as highlighted by the various sessions and workshops outlined below.
Confirmed Sessions as of May 2020
Confirmed Workshop Program as of May 2020
We will build this part of the program “on the fly” shortly ahead of LCIC 2020.
You can propose a topic for a group discussion shortly before the conference. We will then let conference participants vote on the proposals and the ones with the most votes get a discussion slot asigned 🙂
No abstract required, just a convincing quick pitch 🙂
Please note, we have significantly adjusted the program in view of organizing LCIC 2020 as a virtual conference. Learn more about how we plan on making LCIC 2020 a great virtual experience here in our FAQ!
Day 1 | 26.8. | Day 2 | 27.8. | Day 3 | 28.8. | |||||||
Tokyo | LA | New York | Berlin | Theme 1: Driving Sustainable Innovation – Creating better solutions | Theme 2: Promoting Circular Economy – From vision to implementation | Theme 3: Combating Climate Change – Sustainable pathways for decarbonization | |||
20:00 | 04:00 | 07:00 | 13:00 | Opening Ceremony | – | – | |||
20:30 | 04:30 | 07:30 | 13:30 | Keynote 1 | Connie Hensler – Interface | Keynote 2 | Ken Webster – IS4CE | Keynote 3 | Håvard Haarstad – University of Bergen | |||
21:00 | 05:00 | 08:00 | 14:00 | Panel 1 | Sustainable Innovation | Panel 2 | Circular Economy | Panel 4 | Climate Change | |||
22:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 15:00 | Coffee Break | PS 1 | Coffee Break | PS 3 | Coffee Break | PS 5 | |||
22:15 | 06:15 | 09:15 | 15:15 | DS 1 & DS 2 | WS 1 | WS 2 | DS 7 & DS 8 | WS 5 | WS 6 | DS 13 & DS 14 | WS 8 | WS 9 | |||
23:15 | 07:15 | 10:15 | 16:15 | DS 3 & DS 4 | WS 3 | BC 1 | DS 9 & DS 10 | WS 7 | BC 3 | DS 15 & DS 16 | WS 10 | BC 5 | |||
00:15 | 08:15 | 11:15 | 17:15 | Coffee Break | PS 2 | Coffee Break | PS 4 | Coffee Break | |||
00:30 | 08:30 | 11:30 | 17:30 | DS 5 & DS 6 | WS 4 | BC 2 | Panel 3 | Future-proofing LCA | Panel 5 | Take Home Messages | |||
01:30 | 09:30 | 12:30 | 18:30 | Drink & Connect | DS 11 | DS 12 | BC 4 | End | |||
02:00 | 10:00 | 13:00 | 19:00 | End | End |
Legend: DS = Live Discussion Session based on recorded presentations | WS = Live Workshops | BC = Live Barcamps | PS = Live Poster Sessions