Workshop Organizer

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Workshop Info

Workshop Title:

Preparing Input to ISO TC 232 Working group on Measuring Circularity

Date: 27.08.2020

Time: 4:15 – 5:15pm

Workshop Abstract

Since May 2019 a new ISO Technical Committee on Circular Economy is operating.
One of the standardization efforts being started is a framework standard on “measuring circularity”.

This workshop will provide insights in the current status of “measuring circularity” standardisation work happening within ISO TC 323 and aims to prepare input that can be leveraged e.g. via different national mirror committees of the participants, as well as through the ISO TC 207 SC5 Liaison of FSLCI.
Current discussions on indicators to measure circularity show rankings e.g. preferring re-use over recycling, without taking a systems perspective.
An intended outcome of the workshop is an agreed contribution to the standardization work in form of principles to follow when assessing and measuring circularity, that ensure the avoidance of burden shifting and other unintended consequences that might happen, when preferences for certain circular solution are built into evaluation schemes.
The outcome of the workshop aims to ensure a life cycle perspective, when assessing and measuring circularity according to the newly developed standardization.

Draft Agenda:

  • 20 minutes introduction by Martina Prox providing insight on the current status of “measuring circularity” standardization
  • 30 minutes group discussion on the principles to follow, when measuring circularity and communicating about the circularity of products or organisations
  • 10 minute wrap-up discussions and outlook to next steps in standardization

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