Track: B

Date: 31.08.2018

Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm

Room: Checkpoint Charlie

Workshop 8: Identifying Life Cycle Tools for Regional Sustainable Development


Workshop Organizer:Fritz Balkau

Sustainable innovation is an increasingly common leitmotif in LC thinking now, although there is no intrinsic or necessary connection between these two concepts.  We can strengthen the linkages by looking at innovation in LCM itself, in part by improving LC tools, and then by designing a clearer management framework in which these tools can be used.
Of particular interest is to explore how regional sustainability policy is implemented through a LC management approach where either the entire sustainability agenda (i.e. the 17 elements) or an important subset e.g. materials flows and circular economy is addressed.  An innovative ‘sustainable management’ approach thus takes into account three important factors – the SD agenda, the notion of life chain systems, and a more extended time scale than we are seeing in present initiatives.Such a broad approach to regional sustainability is not yet so common among regional instances who often prefer to address isolated elements in a series rather than parallel approach, focussing on problem-solving rather than on a generic preventive management strategy.
This proposal for a workshop seeks to build a more holistic view of regional LCM among sectoral specialists in LCA/LCM to eventually allow a more coherent outreach to regional managers who are generally not so familiar with LC methodologies.Since we can expect few regional managers at LCIC, the workshop will use LC specialists as a first step in the development of regional LCM.

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